*30 IN 30* Day 30

On my Instagram post for today (@janscilipoti.fiber), I joked about getting a Scout badge for finishing the 30 in 30. On some level, it would be great! Today was spent first at work and then off-island doing errands (one of which was unexpectedly having to replace the tires on my car). I took the 7:50 ferry home, which put me in the studio at 9pm. I mean, who does this??!

My partner, meanwhile, is wiping down the cabinets in the kitchen.  This is a signal that someone must be about to visit. It's a good thing that Day 30 of 30 has arrived, because he has begun Preparation for Guests, and my constant studio visits are at a well-timed hiatus. 


Day 30!!

Cotton, sheer silk, prints, free-motion stitching.