*30 IN 30*

For a few years now I've been listening to "Artists Helping Artists", a podcast hosted by two female painters. One of them, Leslie Saeta, also hosts a "30 IN 30" twice a year.  The main intent is to help artists strengthen the practice of painting.  It's free, and the format is simple: every day from February 1-March 2, 2018, participants paint something and then post what they do. No judging, no pressure - just a bit of motivation.

To see everyone's daily 30 IN 30 postings on Leslie's blog, click here.


Wait! D

idn't I say "Paint"?

I don't think my work is that far off...

So, I'm in! My intent?

     *Get in the studio DAILY. *

     *Experiment in sketch format, actively trying to stay loose and be open to new possibilities.*

Follow along here, or on my Instagram account, @janscilipoti.fiber